Method name:

ParcelResultApiBean createParcel(ParcelApiBean parcelApiBean, String apiKey) 
throws MeestException; 


Object of the created parcel. Contains information on the recipient, place of delivery, collection type and data in the Partner’s system allowing identification of the parcel, such as:  order number, receipt number

Field nameField typeRequiredDescription


LongNID of the parcel in the Meest Polska system - given after correct parcel adding


DateNDelivery date
deliveryNumberStringNDelivery number
parcelNumberInternalStringYNumber of the parcel within the
zaUaStringYNumber of the receipt/invoice within the
recipentAddress AddressEvidenceApiBeanYRecipient’s address
deliveryTypeEnumParcelDeliveryTypeEnumYDelivery type: COURRIER SERVICE_POINT POSTAL_SERVICE_APT
divisionIDRRefStringY/NID of the collection point, required for service point and parcel pick-up stations
deliveryAddress AddressEvidenceApiBeanNDelivery address supplemented when a collection point has been chosen (parcel info)
weightDoubleYParcel weight - sum of weights of the individual
heightDoubleNParcel height (cm)
widthDoubleNParcel width (cm)
lengthDoubleNLength (cm)
valueDoubleYParcel value - sum of values of the individual items
summaCodEurDoubleYValue of COD in Euro
summaCodUahDoubleYValue of COD in hryvnia
receiverNameStringYRecipient name
currencyNameCurrencyNameEnumYCurrency (PLN, EUR, USD, GBP, UAH)
barCodeStringNBarcode given at the time of parcel creation
NoteStringNAdditional field for the Partner, notes
parcelPositionApiBeansArrayList<ParcelPositionApiBean>YList of parcel items Required list of at least one item
parcelStatusEnumApiStatusEnumNParcel status within the Meest Polska system (parcel info)
errorDescriptionStringNError desccription (parcel info)
parcelDocumentsLinkStringNLink to download customs documents (parcel info) Additionally aside from the reply
receiverEmailStringYE-mail address of the recipient of the parcel necessary to inform about the
deliveryCostEurDoubleYDelivery Cost in EUR
deliveryCostUahDoubleYDelivery Cost in Uah
senderAddressAddressEvidenceApiBeanNSender address. This field is related mostly to C2C or C2B model.


List of parcel’s items.

Field nameField typeRequiredDescription
NameStringYProduct name (Polish or English or Russian)
nameUkStringYProduct name (Ukrainian)
WeightDoubleYProduct weight
CountDoubleYNumber of items
valueDoubleYValue of single item in Currency defined in ParcelApiBean
customCodeStringYCustoms code
countryCodeStringYCountry of origin
productEanStringYProduct code
productSizeStringYProduct size e.g. S, M, L required in the return form
valueUahDoubleYValue of the product in UAH necessary to return the means to the customer


Address of the parcel’s recipient, possible address of place of delivery when different than home address e.g. parcel pick-up station

Field nameField typeRequiredDescription
nameStringYRecipient name
cityIdRef String Y Unique ID of the city downloaded after search with the use o the searchCity method or through GET http


StringNStreet with house number


StringNSeparator for field "streetWithHouseNumber"
streetIdRefStringNStreet ID
houseStringYHouse number
apartmentStringNPremises number
postCodeStringNPostal code
emailStringNE-mail address
countryStringYCountry (ISO 3166-1 alfa-2) - UA for Ukraine, PL for Poland, CZ for Czech Republic, ...

Service response

Field nameField typeRequiredDescription
idParcelLongNID of the parcel within the Meest Polska system, used in other methods e.g. to download information, customs documents or tracking
barCodeStringNBarcode of the parcel within the Meest Express system, used in tracking and scanning

Result of method call. Possible values:



errorDescriptionStringY/NDescription of error for status of error or validation
parcelDocumentsLinkStringNLink to download customs documents.