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Release 2.6

  • Change in createManifest API method (option for generate dispatch registers for each transport)

Release 2.5.12

  • Export data from manifest to XLS document (for FRAKTAL program)

Release 2.5.11

  • Fixed XLS generation (column names in return's report)

  • Fixed weight calculation when adding package from admin panel
  • Minor optimization and changes

Release 2.5.10

  • Generate global proform invoice based on dispatch register import numbers

Release 2.5.9

  • Handling error messages from the Rosan system in response from the API

Release 2.5.8

  • Changing the source of name generation for position in the UIJC file

Release 2.5.7

  • Change of the validation of the selected collection point

Release 2.5.6

  • New field with the internal number (Internal No.) of the parcel on the XLS document for dispatch register

Release 2.5.5

  • Option to select Nova Poshta pickup points
  • Option to include delivery costs for returns

Release 2.5.4

  • Added attributes option for parcels
  • Added to proforma view of returns: number from the export invoice, shipment number and weight

Release 2.4.2

  • Update tracking statuses.
  • Fix display summary of cost parcel and delivery.

Release 2.1.1

  • New function: createManifest for generating dispatch register
  • Added new field "parcelNumberInternal" in response from invoices function.
  • Fix problem with manualy adding return.

Release 2.1

  • New Feautre
  1. New xls type of file exporting to program "FRAKTAL"
  2. Mass add parcels to dispatch register
  3. Adding new type of parcel - "gift"
  4. Returning more info(opening hours,activity, payments) about point of receipt in DivisionApiBean
  • Improvement:
  1. Improvement: Generated invoice for parcels
  2. Improvement: Fixing numerating system also added new numerator [numer_c]
  3. Improvement: Adding new column in parcels view - currency
  • Bugs:
  1. Not working generate xls file from COD.
  2. Problem with charges for returns in invoice
  3. Adding and deleting positions from dispatch register
  4. Fixing problem with saving invoice after editing
  5. Problem with not saving custom code in form
  6. Problem with manualy adding return.

Release 2.0.1

  • Added: New field statusCode in API method trackingParcel() which provide detailed information about tracking status
  • Fixed: Problems with generating returns reports

Release 2.0

  • Possibility to define optional sender address, but parcels still belongs to partner account.
  • Added sender address section on the parcel view
  • Added optional sender address section on the parcel creating form
  • Added optional arguments senderAddress in API method createParcel
  • Added optional field e-mail in AddressesEvidenceApiBean

Release 1.9

  • New XLS export format for dispatch lists - General Custom Declaration
  • Stability improvement
  • Adding special settings templates for partners
  • Adding to view the shipment list fields 'internal number of parcels'

Release 1.8

  • New TXT export format for dispatch lists
  • New method of client and addresses aggregation
  • Stability improvement

Release 1.7

  • New methods for handling COD Paymets : findCOD (search by dates), findCODById (search by unique Id), findCODByInternalParcelNumber (search by internalParcelNumber)
  • New functionality for finding points of reception in the nearest neighborhood of geolocation coordinates - searchDivisionsByLocalization
  • New functionality adding a Return using the API - createReturn

Release 1.6

  • New fields in return object: receiverName
  • Method searchCityByPostCode has been marked for deletion in the future. It will be replaced by a method searchCitiesListByPostCode.

Release 1.5

  • New fields in parcel object: deliveryCostEur, deliveryCostUah
  • New methods for handling returns: findReturns, findReturnById, findReturnByReturnsNumber

Release 1.4

  • Adding fields productEan, productSize, valueUah to parcel items, fields necessary for handling of returns
  • Adding to the parcel an e-mail address of the recipient in order to inform them on the parcel’s status
  • Adding a method for parcel validation before safing,, validateParcel
  • Adding a barcode in response to parcel creation ParcelResultApiBean field barCode
  • Adding a method for downloading information on a parcel by barcode
  • Adding a method for downloading a list of streets in the selected city searchStreetByNameAndCityIdRef
  • Returning street names at creation of parcel: eg. Street = „Зе” and city „Львов”
  • error.when.creating.parcel : ['Земельна','Землеробна','Зернова','Зерова','Зелена']
  • Adding field streetIdRef do the recipient’s address for the purpose of unequivocal identification

Release 1.3

  • Adding a method for returning a city by postal code
  • Adding examples of calling the method searchCityByPostCode
  • Adding a method for returning the API version getApiVersion
  • Adding the possible value of UAH of the CurrencyNameEnum field in object ParcelApiBean, currency available from a list PLN, EUR, USD, GBP, UAH

Release 1.2

  • Adding example queries and calls of parcel creation
  • Removing the apiKey parameter from the searchDivisions method - available without authorization
  • Making available of downloading a list of cities with the use of the method GET http
  • Making available of downloading a list of parcel pick-up stations with the use of the method GET http
  • Adding field cityIdRef to object AddressesEvidenceApiBean (mandatory field)
  • Change of the Type of field currencyName to CurrencyNameEnum in object ParcelApiBean, currency available from a list of PLN, EUR, USD, GBP

Release 1.1

  • Adding the type of collection point to searching
  • Removing information on parcel number from parcel items
  • Mapping exceptions of methods on MeestException
  • Changing the names of packages on com.meestgroup
  • Adding an Administrator account to the test environment

Release 1.0

  • Creating the methods of adding, removing and info on parcel
  • Creating methods of document printing
  • Creating methods for parcel tracking
  • Creating methods for downloading a list of collection points in Ukraine
  • Preparation of a test environment
  • No labels